Join our Pastorate 19 Priests for a monthly time of prayer and pastorate 19 updates on the 4th Sunday of each month at 6:00 pm. Upcoming date: Sunday, January 28th at 6:00 pm - St. Francis Xavier Fellowship Hall.
December 8th is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation. Click here for a full schedule of Masses within Pastorate 19.
Envelopes are now available in the Church Narthex and in the parish office for you to honor a loved one by purchasing a poinsettia that will be used to decorate the Church and altar for the Christmas Season.
The Saint Francis Xavier Council of St. Vincent de Paul will hold its Thanksgiving Food Drive on November 25 & 26. Bags will be handed out along with lists of most needed items the weekend of November 18 & 19.
St. Vincent de Paul is collecting and distributing gift cards for this year’s Little Drummer Giving Tree Program now through December 3rd. Please consider donating a gift card for this cause. For your convenience gift cards can be purchased through our RaiseRight gift card program after weekend Masses or from the Parish Office.
Please read the Annual Catholic Appeal wrap-up material here. This information indicates participation and performance information as well as how the funds collected will be used to meet our spiritual and material needs. Thank you to all who participated in this important part of parish and diocesan life!
Cor group is open to all men seeking to grow in their faith. We invite you to register for these Bible study events. The Catholic Fellowship events start on November 15th 2023 from 6-7:30 pm. The group will meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month. RSVP by November 12th.
A teaching team from the Catherine of Siena Institute will offer the introductory Called and Gifted workshop on Saturday, October 14, starting at 9AM at Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Church in Sun Prairie. Everyone is invited to participate!
Pregnant and parenting moms in need are in our parishes and our neighborhoods. As Pope Francis reminds us, our parishes need to be “islands of mercy in the midst of a sea of indifference.” To learn more about Walking with Moms in Need, please click here!
Encounter Jesus in the Eucharist! The Madison Diocesan Eucharistic Congress is September 29 - October 1 at St. John the Baptist in Waunakee. Come for a weekend of faith, fellowship, and family. Beautiful Masses, talks, spiritual direction, Confession, workshops, Adoration, and more. Please click here for more info!
K-12 Discipleship Formation Registration is now open. In light of "Into the Deep", the parishes of Pastorate 19 will be working together to offer faith formation for the whole family this year. More information can be found here!
And the winners are . . . click here to watch the live drawing of our annual parish sweepstakes! Thank you to everyone who participated in our largest, annual parish fundraiser.