Ron and Gail have been married for 48 years. They have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. Ron has been a member of St. Francis Xavier for 49 years and Gail for 31 years since her conversion in 1992. Ron has also been a Knight of Columbus for 30 years. Gail and Ron are both Eucharist Ministers at SFX, while Gail is a Sacristan. Ron has been a trustee for the Pastoral Council and has been in choir for 20 years. He is a charter Member of the Men of Christ, Madison Board of Directors, and has served mass at St. Mary’s for 16 years. He has been handing out Prayer blankets for the Knights of Divine Mercy, while he and Gail established a charitable corporation to continue this when their source dried up. In addition he was awarded the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice by Pope Benedict IV through the intercession of Bishop Robert Morlino. Ron has served on the Cross Plains Village Board in many capacities. He and Gail are very active in the Sons of American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary which Gail is the President of. Ron is also very active in the Cross Plains Lions. Finally Ron has held many distinguished roles in the Knights of Columbus including Recorder, Grand Knight and Trustee of the Cross Plains Council #3924. The “Mothers Day Breakfast” was started when Ron was Grand Knight. He has also been a State Officer from 2008-2018 including 2 years as State Deputy, the States highest office. Congratulations to Ron and Gail for being the April 2023 Knights of Columbus Family of the Month.