"A big congratulations goes out to Laura and Dan Wenman for being named the March 2024 Family of the Month for the Knights of Columbus Cross Plains Council #3924. Dan and Laura have been married for 31 years and have three children, Alli Parish, Andrew (Emily), and Emma, along with 1 grandson Paul Karol. They have been at St. Francis Xavier for 21 years, as they had heard good things about the Catholic school. Dan’s been a Knight since 2003, and has helped out at the Mother’s Day Brunch as well as other events. He has volunteered for St. Francis Parish office work, worked stands at the summer picnic, has been a Cubs Scout leader and Black Earth Junior Rifle Club leader. Together Laura and Dan taught a small-group in the confirmation class the year they had over 100 people confirmed. In addition they support Biking for Babies, which fundraises and commits to biking ~600 miles, to raise money for the pregnancy resource center. Their son Andrew has biked it for the last 4 years. They have also supported the FOCUS ministries to college students. Laura has been a Eucharistic Minister since 2006. She served on the Education Committee for 6 years, the 150 Year School anniversary Committee, the YDisciple (Formed) teen girl Bible study co-leader for 3 years, Dead Theologian’s co-leader for 2 years, and Adoration Special Event coordinator for 2 years. Laura retired from the Health and Wellness field to work at the Parish, first as Office Manager for 1.5 years, and now Cemetery Sexton for Holy Cross Pastorate. And Dan and Laura’s most recent additional role for the last 1.5 years is to care for Dan’s Mom who has moved back close to them. Thanks Dan and Laura for being great examples, and congratulations for being named the Knights of Columbus Cross Plains Council March Family of the Month."